Prometheus 2 to be called Alien: Paradise Lost
After just one installment, Prometheus filmmaker Ridley Scott has apparently decided that sequels to that film would do better with the...

The Exorcist remake... Huh?
Excorcist remake? No thanks! After lot of stupid remakes like The Poltergeist, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street......

Pay The Ghost - Clip 'The Vulture'
Watch movie clip 'The Vulture' for the new Nicolas Cage movie 'Pay The Ghost' One year after Mike Lawford's young son disappeared during...
Stephen King on The Green Inferno!
Stephen King shared his opinion on The Green Inferno on twitter saying: ''THE GREEN INFERNO is like a glorious throwback to the drive-in...

First-person action movie?
Movie 'Hardcore' gets it's trailer and poster! You remember nothing. Mainly because you’ve just been brought back from the dead by your...

Jeepers Creepers 3 filming early next year?
After 13 years, Jeepers Creepers sequel starting to film? YES! Jeepers Creepers is back for third time! Movie will reunite the original...

Krampus Trailer
Comedy/Horror movie Krampus starring Adam Scott, Toni Collette and Conchata Ferrell is coming out on December 4 (USA) and here is...